Customer testimonials
Read what crypto miners said about minerstat on Trustpilot
Ufuk K.
Good control centre for your rigs
Good control site, much easier to set up and control then hiveOS. Also has many more options. Unless you have multiple rigs, i cant actually sugest you get the paid upgrade, its not worth it. good for multiple rigs though obviously to have them all in one place.
Very nice mining monitor
very usefull when you want to keep an eye on your rig while away from it, you can even restart it, overclock, undervolt, check temps, and musch more while using the free edition. Honestly, i couldn't ask of anything more (except for a few things, but they are covered by the paid version)
Robert D.
Single station and intuitive
Minerstat works for me to use from a single station and remote office. Combined with remote access like splashtop I can cover most aspects or more than offered by other mining OS's. Can see enough under the hood to know what's going on now and have established over time some workarounds based on my rig builds. Haven't used msOS yet but intend to in the future after a farm refurb.
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