Customer testimonials
Read what crypto miners said about minerstat on Trustpilot
Very nice mining monitor
very usefull when you want to keep an eye on your rig while away from it, you can even restart it, overclock, undervolt, check temps, and musch more while using the free edition. Honestly, i couldn't ask of anything more (except for a few things, but they are covered by the paid version)
Kyle M.
Minerstat is simple to use PERIOD ...
Minerstat is simple to use no matter the size of your farm. My uptime is much higher and just having the front and backend tools available to customize my specific setups is what keeps me coming back. There are many choices which it comes to SaaS and mining I have tried them all. I must say minerstat does what I need it to best and it doesn’t it the best for me. I am able to run some of my rigs Linux based OS and some windows based w minerstat supporting it all for me. It works period.
Karl P.
I started crypto mining Oct 2021
I started crypto mining Oct 2021, It took me awhile to figure things out, first I started reading in discords, I came across Minerstat discord server, since the beginning and even now, the support has been tremendous, the moderators on discord that help beginners and advanced are extremely well versed in the crypto and the associated hardwares, I once had a moderator help me over the course of 3 hours until we figured the issue out. The program is easy to use even for beginners, I've never found anything I didn't like. a very good remote management program.
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