minerstat is free for 1 worker, after that the price is $2/worker/month for selected number of workers.
We offer various tools that will make your mining easier and more efficient
Never miss an important event with the alerting system for e-mail, Telegram, and mobile app. Set up triggers that automatically take action (restart software, change fans, etc.) when an event occurs.
Overclock or undervolt your Nvidia and/or AMD GPUs by setting all important parameters to reach the most optimal and efficient mining.
Set up the coins or algorithms and set conditions to tune the profit switch to fit your needs.
We have the tools that will fit your needs
Organize your workers in the control room to visually fit your actual establishment and monitor your heat map.
Check your 24h logs to see what was going on with your mining establishment or monitor live diagnostic.
Grant access to your team members or manage customers' workers remotely.